Bic Lighter Keychain Sleeve (J5) - Perfect Fit

Bic Lighter Keychain Sleeve (J5) - Perfect Fit


Model measurements: 35mm x 16mm x 71mm This is a lighter sleeve perfectly scaled to very tightly fit a J5 (large/standard) BIC lighter. It includes a sturdy loop at the bottom for connecting your lighter to a keychain for easy access. It also includes a hole in the bottom perfectly sized to push the eraser end of a pencil through the bottom for easy removal. This model is blank with no design on either face, but can be remixed/customized if you wish. You just have to make sure the design you print is large enough for your extruder. The material used for the sleeve pictured was 1.75mm white PLA. Disclaimer: Supports are suggested and that will require a small amount of trimming to get the desired result. I suggest using clippers and an X-acto knife for the loop.



