Ford 6.7L Oil Filter Housing Blockoff Plate

Ford 6.7L Oil Filter Housing Blockoff Plate


The plate is 1/2" thick which is exactly the same as the filter housing it replaces, so the original bolts can be reused and do not bottom out. This isn't used in operation obviously, this is used for starter removals, transmission recalls, upper oil pan reseals, or anything else that necessitates the removal of the oil filter housing. By using this you don't have oil dripping on you while you work and it only takes a minute to install. I modeled this by scanning a OEM filter housings with our copier at work and importing the images into Sketchup. The gasket channel is square, and a touch shallower than the OEM part. This is to provide a bit more squish for the gasket. You WILL need to use an OEM gasket. They are cheap ($4ish @ cost+10%) and highly reusable since there will be no heat cycles or excessive pressure placed on them.






