Medion Boombox ozito/einhell battery adaptor
Spotted this Medion retro 80s style boombox for sale in the local Aldi store and immediately wanted it, but also immediately wanted to power it from my power tool batteries - i have a bunch of Ozito (which is the same as Einhell) I couldnt find a dummy double-length D-cell battery, so I got the specs from a pdf online and modelled up the d-cell double length dummy in Fusion 360. Who knows, that might be useful to someone else, i'll post that up as its own Thing as well. A few profile slices later and then a test fit of the tabs and latches, and i had a pretty darn close copy of the back battery cover. I found a design for battery holder ( and merged that into my battery rear cover. I added a recess for a "mini-360" buck converter in the back - this all fits well, but this particular buck converter is causing me issues with radio signal, which I have yet to resolve. Working on it! But in the meantime it makes an excellent bluetooth speaker, plays USB and SD cards, plays cassets and can also run on AC power. I purposely located the battery so that using battery power requires removal of the AC power cord, and visa versa. Probably not needed, I didn't want to find out.