2 in 1 out Hotend Effector for Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus + Pinda mount + LED
This is my new effector for a 2 in 1 out hot end (like https://www.amazon.com/Cyclops-Extruder-Compatible-Bulldog-extruder/dp/B074J7NBPQ). It uses the original radial fan to cool down the filament. Cooling fan for the hot end is replaced by a Noctua 40x40. There are 2 holes for two 5mm white led. Could also mount a PINDA sensor (https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B09DBV35XM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A1TMZHY2SHKLH2&psc=1) for calibration (either on the left or the right side) or the original magnetic sensor (on the front, like the original effector). ANY Cooling guide which can be mounted on the original effecto, could also be used on this one. Nozzle will result about 2 mm higher than before. STILL NOT TESTED IN REAL PRINTING, MY TRIGORILLA BOARD IS BROKEN AND I'M WAITING FOR REPLACEMENT. STILL SHOULD WORK WITHOUT ANY HASSLE. ASSEMBLY FULLY TESTED AND EACH PART / SCREW FITS PERFECTLY. There are 3 stl files: no_pinda w/o pinda sensor holder, pinda_right w/ pinda sensor holder on the back/right (mirror stl if you want it on the left) and pinda_front w/ the pinda sensor holder on the front (the original calibration sensor cannot fit anymore while the pinda sensor is mounted)