Miniature Base Size Key Tool - With Hole
This is a collection of standard sized bases commonly used in tabletop gaming with a loop at one end to feed a string through and the size in raised lettering centered on the base itself. I often find myself printing tabletop gaming bases of different sizes and getting them all mixed up and not being sure which is which. This collection is to be able to match printed bases to this template quickly and take any guess work out of it. The bases may not be 100% accurate to bases purchased from official sources but I figured they were close enough for my purposes and possibly someone else's. If there are any other sizes someone may want added, please don't hesitate to ask. Included Base Sizes: 25mm - Round 28mm - Round 32mm - Round 40mm - Round 50mm - Round 60mm - Round 65mm - Round 75mm - Round 80mm - Round 90mm - Round 100mm - Round 130mm - Round 160mm - Round 60 x 35mm - Oval 75 x 42mm - Oval 90 x 52mm - Oval 105 x 70mm - Oval 120 x 92mm - Oval 150 x 95mm - Oval 170 x 109mm - Oval 70 x 25mm - Pill 95 x 40mm - Pill There is an additional collection of bases without the ring added to them but the raised lettering remains if you would like to keep them stowed away in a different manner. That collection can be found here: Miniature Base Size Template Tool - Without String Hole: Finally, there is one more additional collection of bases I've put together that are completely blank and ready to for all kinds of custom basing! That collection can be found here: Miniature Bases - Empty: If this collection is at all helpful to you and you are willing and able, please consider tipping. It's always very much appreciated and keeps a little money in my pocket during these trying times.