Laser Cut Pumpkin Decoration

Laser Cut Pumpkin Decoration


There are three files <ul> <li>novotivebase - Base with no slot for LED votive</li> <li>votive - Base with slot for LED votive</li> <li>pumpkindesign - the fancy stuff</li> </ul> You choose whether you want a small votive candle or not in the base, and then there are a couple of pumpkin designs, as well as the original shape to design your own. You'll cut two of the base pieces with the slits in them, one base piece with no slit in it. Then glue all of that together. Then cut a pumpkin with no design for the background, and one with a design as the front face. These are meant to be interchangeable and should slide in and out of the slits in the base with a little tension. The files were created to be used on our Glowforge Pro and 3.1mm birch plywood, but can easily be adjusted for whatever laser you're using.






