Sonoff Basic AM2302 sensor holder

Sonoff Basic AM2302 sensor holder


A simple friction clip to slide over the Sonoff Basic case and hold an AM2302 temp/humidity sensor alongside, without passive heat transfer. The longer edge clip is designed to go at the top of the Sonoff case, as the slight curve/chamfer of the Sonoff case means this needs to be a little longer. If the clip is loose, just add a very small dab of superglue to the base face. The AM2302 sensor wedges into the holder by friction about halfway in, to ensure as much of the sensor is exposed to the air. I cable my sensors in through a small gap I cut in the lid of the Sonoff Basic. Print this on it's flat edge (like a C lying on it's side), so no supports are needed, though a brim is a good idea. I've included a solid version to stick other sensors to it instead and also the original file for you to remix for other sensors.






