Space 1999 Sidearm V2

Space 1999 Sidearm V2


Added the remainder of buttons so that this version contains the maximum compliment of any models used on the show. Made the trigger and magazine more closely resembling screen shots from the show. Added Stun/Kill selector switch in six parts, the base, the label background, the kill and stun labels, the slide, and the handle for the slide. The two labels should be printed color appropriate and glued to the label background which should be printed in white for the lettering to show through. The label background should then be glued into the base. Glue the handle to the slide, then slip the slide into the assembled base. Glue the base to the top of the weapon with the open end butted to the trigger. The nozzles attach to the front of the weapon in order of size from shortest at the top to largest at the bottom. This will make the weapon more consistent with props from the show. The model for the buttons contains all 16 buttons that are required. The button cap model contains only a single button cap that will need to be printed 8 times in black, and two times each for red, yellow, green, and blue. I beveled the edges for the cap model so that they can be glued easily, beveled side down, into the buttons with a dab of glue into the button face. My original button faces/caps were flat on both sides and difficult to press into the buttons. I shortened the buttons and dials as both seemed to protrude too much from either side of my original design. I printed the body, slide base, buttons, dials, and nozzles in silk silver PLA and all the remaining parts in the colors as they appeared on the props used on the show. I think optionally, that the body and other parts that represent metal could be printed in any color, the spray painted in silver to give it the same, or very similar look. Other parts could be easily painted to their appropriate color before assembly as well. UPDATE 12312021: When I printed the body for the V2 gun, I reversed the cutouts for the black striping to make them raised areas instead of sunken. While I wasn't pleased with the result of using an ultrafine sharpie to fill in the black areas, I was even more displeased with the result of using a wide sharpie on the risen striped areas. I undid that change before uploading the V2 model. The photo's showing the V2 model here all show the risen stripes. I did make some printable stripes that can be glued into the sunken striped areas of both the original and V2 model. Since I can't attach the new printable stripes to the V2 model that I printed, I instead glued them to the original model and uploaded that photo. The printed stripes model I just added is labeled "SGV2_Striping.stl". It contains the stripes for both sides of the weapon, and should be printed in black.






