90 Degree Desk Light
This is a 90 Degree lamp that is perfect for a corner desk. It took me about 90 hours to print everything. Then I had to build it. You will need to print: 4- Desk Light Centers to make the full 90 degrees. If you want light covers, you will also need 4- Desk Light Center Covers. To hold the pieces together, I glued the pieces together with E-6000 glue(my personal glue of choice) and I designed slots for 2inch brackets. The brackets I purchased came with 3/4inch screws. They are too long. You will need 1/2inch screws instead. The "Desk Lamp LED Sides" are for the ends where the lamp attaches to the mounts so there is no light coming around the edges of the covers. I used PLA filament for the entire print. I also used Glow in the Dark filament for the covers, which turned out pretty cool when I turn off the light. Below is a list of the hardware I used to build this. Desk Lamp Hardware (10) Brackets https://www.amazon.com/Plated-Steel-Mending-Plate-Screws/dp/B08126SKPK/ref=sr_1_2?crid=101LIGN0GH6J&keywords=Everbilt+2+in.+Zinc-Plated+Mending+Plate&qid=1640831188&s=hi&sprefix=everbilt+2+in.+zinc-plated+mending+plate%2Ctools%2C285&sr=1-2 Screws: (20) #6 x 1/2 in. Phillips Flat Head Stainless Steel Wood Screw (2) #6-32 1/2 in. Screws (2) #6-32 nuts E-6000 Glue Chain https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HR4X2PJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 3M Command For ceiling https://www.command.com/3M/en_US/command/products/~/Command-Bath-Assorted-Refill-Strips/?N=5924736+3294385808+3294529207&preselect=3293786499&rt=rud For Wall Mounts https://www.command.com/3M/en_US/command/products/~/Command-Large-Picture-Hanging-Strips/?N=5924736+3291751934+3294529207&preselect=8706801+8770975+3293786499&rt=rud Hooks https://www.command.com/3M/en_US/command/products/~/Command-Clear-Small-Wire-Hooks/?N=5924736+3294529207+3294737333&preselect=3293786499&rt=rud