Film Scanner base for 35mm and 120 film

Film Scanner base for 35mm and 120 film


I got inspired by the design from Negative Supply and Valoi 360 film holders and created my own. This is a very cheap alternative. Supports only for the bottom part f the holder for the 120 versions/ Extra parts: - 6 x ( d=5 mm x h=3 mm ) magnets for the holder ( ) - 4 x rubber stickers for the base up to 10 mm diameter ( - 5 mm diameter metal rods for the advance mechanism 1 x 400 mm lenght ( ) 2 x 100 mm length ( - 7mm OD x 1.5mm thickness rubber rings ( ) Instructions: 1) Download the holder of your choice and open them in your slicer of choice.For the 120 bottom holders you will need to add supports. 2)For the BASIC BASE and BASE WITH ADVANCE SYSTEM you will also need to add supports. 3) When you are ready to place the magnets on the holders, place the holders next to each other and number each whole with a number( PICTUR EBELOW) .I used super glue to secure the magnets in place for the first holder and let them dry fully. I then used a piece of paper on the first holder and placed it on top of the magnet corresponding to number 1. I then placed another magnet on top of tha paper so i could see which orientation is correct and then i placed it on the other holder with the corresponding number(in this case number 1). Then follow for the rest of them. *Keep in mind to glue the magnets in a way that the most recent glued one is not close to the one you are attching now, because it might attract it and move it from its place. A good sequence to follow is first number 1 then 6,3,8,5,2,7,4. FOR BASE WITH ADVANCE SYSTEM: 1) Insert the 100 length rod from the one side half through, place 6 rubber rings. 4 of those will be used to advance the film (2 on each side next to each other and the rest will be squeezed at the end of the rod so it wont be able to come out of the holes. Do ths first for the lowest positioned rod and then for the top one. UPDATE: I designed an alternative method instead of using the metal rods. You can now print the rods. The 2 extra files are named ( " CAP V2.1 & HANDLE V2.1)






