Bigbox Idex Bowden - Updates

Bigbox Idex Bowden - Updates


Some minor updates to improve the already fantastic design I personally do not rely on plastic for threads and much prefer the use of square nuts. Left Idler Carriage: Nut trap added to the M4 idler pulley screws. Although it is spec'd to use M4 grub screws, switch to an M4x25 Caphead and add an M4 square nut to the underneath. Right Drive Carriage: Nut trap added to limit switch holes Left and Right Uppers: Nut traps added to the limit switch holes and a 0.5mm raise face added to increase the wall thickness at the top to 1mm I will print and add images of this to the Thingiverse. I may suggest using either NGen or ABS as a better material for this. Nuts are dimensioned to DIN 562 standard but should fit ISO. Extracted the STPs into separate files from the original assembly. Also some minor issues with the M4 grubscrews going into the V slots not being a snug fit. Ultimately the issue with be to do with Calibration but you can over come this by using 3/16 grub screws instead (4.70mm)







3D Printing