Yin Yang Cats
Yin Yang Cats as a - coin / fridge magnet - earring - keyring - as decoration for wrist strap (bracelet) etc. Original size is ~39mm x 47mm (or little more with rings) **Model is based on cats drawed by NekoSan** with her permission https://www.instagram.com/p/CVI7CXZsxPn/ --- Use two colors (white, then black) or three (pink, white, black). With original size change color after each 0.6mm (or just after 1,2mm if using two colors) The smallest printable size with 0.4mm nozzle should be 75% You can print it for earrings as it will weight much less (you can leave 100% on X and Y axis for better colors) Name 'ring_white' means that the ring is between ears of the white cat 'Side' is with ring on it's side 'Strap' is with much wider ring, you can use it to attach a hand made string strap for your wrist