SPIRAL STAIRS 1/12 scale for Dollhouses

SPIRAL STAIRS 1/12 scale for Dollhouses


Please print as many stair treads as needed for your height. You can adjust the stair tread "Z" dimension to fit exactly by determining the height, let's say 8" and you want 13 steps. Divide 8" by 13 and this will give you the "Z" height to change for each tread. Over the years I have collected glass jars of different diameters to heat form plastic to curves. The handrails need this heating treatment to be formed to a curve to be able to glue to the treads easily. I used a 3" sauce jar (straight parallel sides is important) to wrap the handrails around using typical rubber bands to hold it in place. Synthetic rubber can take the temperature, so don't worry. Make sure the verticals are parallel to the jar sides. Pre-heat the oven to 275 degrees. Then turn off the oven and place the wrapped jar on a pan in the oven and allow to cool for about one half hour to set the curve. Make certain you turn off the oven before putting in the wrapped handrails. Do this to all the needed handrails then glue together and place on stair treads ends. Trim if necessary for overall handrail length. Use a 1/4" wooden dowel for the spine. Please watch my YouTube video on making miniature bricks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGhF5i4UlqQ&t=29s



