Ender 5 Pro Direct Drive Bracket + allows for CR Touch
Madau's original design worked great and was nice and strong, but when I got a [CR-Touch](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GM692QL/) probe I discovered they do not play nicely together. I removed a small piece to make room for the CR-Touch and that _does_ make the bracket slightly less stable, so I would recommend printing this with a stronger material such as PLA+ or increasing the number of walls to at least 6 for extra rigidity. I also removed the zip-tie mount on the side as I had no use for it, and filled in the text because I don't like logos (sorry Madau). I am using this on an Ender-5 Pro, but it is probably also compatible with the Ender-5, and probably not with the Ender-5 Plus. Let me know yea or nay in the comments and I'll update this description to confirm. Also it should still be compatible with the Ender-3 and CR-10 like the original. ___ The two files are exactly the same model, just with different orientations: - The "minimal supports" version is oriented on the diagonal so that you only need a small amount of support which extends directly down onto the build plate, but instead has a large amount of 45 degree overhang. This was better for me since PLA+ supports can be very tough to remove and my printer has no trouble with overhangs. It has low contact area with the print bed so at least 3 lines of brim is recommended. - The "minimal overhang" version is oriented like Madau's original post, with very few steep overhangs, and instead requires a large chunk of support entirely within the model. You may find this works better with your setup. ___