Box insert for 8Bit Attack

Box insert for 8Bit Attack


My game box was a mess. I thought it would be nice to have a modular insert for this game with trays for the tokens that you can just lift out to play, making setup faster and cutting down on the amount of plastic bags all over the place. So I made one! Also, because I'm a collector, I made sure that they fit sleeved cards (Ultra Pro Tarot Size sleeves) without any sleeve corners getting bent. You can just barely fit the whole base game and all five expansions to date (including Halloween) into the core game box with this, EXCEPT the heroes and final bosses. Those you can put (and fit) in one of the expansion boxes (I vote for Yog-Sothothery, since this is a (mostly) Lovecraft game after all). The token trays fit in side the minion boxes. The potion, rune, reminder card and time+medal+encounter level selection card trays are the same height, and one of each fits into the Cultist, Mythic, Demon and Alien boxes. The health, energy and dice (plus some extra health because good dark lord, there's a lot of it!) trays are a bit higher and all fit into the halloween box. The condition tray has one slot for each condition, has a tower to grab onto to lift it, and goes on the side in the game box. The encounter countdown track goes next to it (se pictures) and the little box for the final boss standees in the leftover corner. The champion card stack just barely fits in the box when the air is squeezed out of the sleeves, but when you first sleeve the cards and put them in the tray, they will well out a bit. Don't worry, it will be okay. Unless you use sleeves thicker than Ultra Pro ones; I cannot speak for what happens then. Enjoy! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn



