Codenames XXL + Duet + Pictures Insert in one box

Codenames XXL + Duet + Pictures Insert in one box


An insert to store all 3 Codenames XXL (Codenames, Duet and Pictures) in one box. Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions for the design! <HR> <B>Instructions:</B> <UL> <LI>Print one of each item. Unfortunately the Pictures box is quite large (222mm) and will be a long print. <LI>No supports required. Whatever settings you want. </UL> <B>Features:</B> <UL> <LI>Each game is separated, except the words which are combined. <LI>Unsleeved cards only. <LI>Vertical friendly. <LI>Cute spot for your hourglass. I dunno, I liked it. <LI>Space for 3 stands for some reason. Maybe you can play 3 games at once. <LI>Chamfered bottoms to prevent elephant footing. </UL> <B>Notes:</B> <UL> <LI>There may be some minor differences between my photos and the files as I have fixed minor issues but not reprinted them. <LI>Only one hourglass will fit. <LI>The box is not quite tall enough for the word cards. If you want it to sit flush you will need to either remove a handful of cards or put some with the codenames agent tiles (as shown in photo). </UL>



