3dSets Model 9/10 modified front indicator for 3,5mm leds

3dSets Model 9/10 modified front indicator for 3,5mm leds


Modified the stock front indicators for mounting a 3.5mm LED. There is a small piece of built in support on the stalk of the housing that you have to cut off. Assembling: 1) drill mounting hole for the indicator in the fender to get the cables through (I used a 3.5mm drill) 2) drill a hole beneath the fender into the engine bay (I've drilled in the front upper corner) 3) route the cable through the fender into the engine bay. 4) Insert the glass part. 5) put the LED into the housing 6) as there is no screw anymore to secure the indicator: use some glue. It should hold by friction, but that may come loose.







R/C Vehicles