Adjustable long handle Shoehorn with middle and end pieces

Adjustable long handle Shoehorn with middle and end pieces


I created this model so that the shoehorn looks more complete instead of having the short connector rod sticking out. Printed this for an elderly person in need of a long shoehorn. I printed the shoehorn handle twice along with the shoehorn and end handle end to make it a long 4 part shoehorn. Recommend printing the shoehorn itself as vertical with the round insert rod touching the bed. You do not need any supports for this piece. The 2 handle files (Shoehorn handle and Shoehorn handle end) should also be printed vertically with the hollow end touching the bed and support turned on. Recommend printing everything with infill set to 50%. In fact for the shoehorn piece itself, I bumped up the infill to 90% since it has to be the strongest part taking a lot of the stress.



