1080° PC Steering Wheel

1080° PC Steering Wheel


This is an Arduino based steering wheel for games like ETS2. The only limitation of games is that you have to be able to configure at least two input devices. This is caused by using two seperate Arduinos for the wheel and the pedals as this simplified the cable management by being able to run the cable from the pedals behind the desk directly to my PC instead of over my desk to the steering wheel. It has a steering angle of 1080°, but has no solid ends. Instead, you can rotate it as far as you want and the software will stop sending more data when you reach the (virtual) end. As soon as you turn back, it will recognize this and tell the game that you are turning the wheel in the opposite direction now. This makes the whole thing much smaller and removes all parts that kept on breaking in my previous version. To make it feel more realistic, I used a real steering wheel from a Massey Ferguson 135 which i bought on ebay. For the pedals, I used two shock absorbers for RC cars. Mount it on your desk with two clamps like the ones in the pictures. They just have to be small enough to not interfere with the wheel. Assembly (wheel base): - solder cables to Arduino (GND->GND; VCC->5V; OUT->A0) - screw sensor to mounting plate - screw mounting plate to wheel base (M3x25, these are a bit too long, but you can not see them) Assembly (wheel): - put bottom half on sensor - fix it with screw (M2x6) - put wheel on - fix wheel with top half and screw (M3x25) Asembly (pedals): - connect both halfes with threaded rod (M4x90) and two nuts (M4) - put in potentiometer (that thin part breaks easily, I had no space to make it thicker. Be careful) and fix it with its nut. - solder potentiometers to arduino (A0, A1) - put in place the shock absorber and fix it with two screws (M3x25) (push them through the bigger side and screw them in the tighter side) - screw on pedal plate (I used m3x25, but shorter screws would not stick out the back. I left the in, as they do not affect performance and you can not even see them from the front) - screw whole pedal onto something (hole diameter: 5mm, countersunk) The pedal code might need some calibration as these potentiometers are quite inaccurate. Important note for ETS2: Delete the controller steering bindings in the "keys" tab, only bind it in the "controller settings" tab. If you do not do this, ETS2 will skip a part of the steering range. Parts used: - Sensor [https://www.amazon.de/Hall-Sensor-Winkelsensor-Hall-Effekt-Potentiometer-Verdr%C3%A4ngung-ber%C3%BChrungslos/dp/B07YHDH2PW/ref=psdc_10389134031_t2_B07PFD816C] - 1x M2x6 (countersunk) - 15x M3x25 (countersunk) - 2x threaded rod M4x90 - 4x nut M4 - 2x linear potentiometer B10K - 2x RC car shock absorber 100mm [https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B08B7YHWN9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1] - 8x screws to fix the pedals somewhere 5xXmm, countersunk - 2x Arduino Leonardo/Pro Micro - some cables







Video Games