arc() Module for OpenSCAD

arc() Module for OpenSCAD


The arc() module is a tool for creating 2D arcs in openSCAD. I'm aware that others have published arc() modules before but I felt this version was worth sharing as it offers some improvements over the earlier versions I've seen. The biggest difference is that this module creates the arc from scratch by calculating the vectors of each point, this means the radius at the open ends of the arc is always true and that all the fragments are of equal size. The fragArc (fragments in arc) parameter gives the option to set a fixed number of fragments in the arc. By default, the number of fragments is set by $fn or $fa, this value will determine the number of fragments in a full circle. The number of fragments in the arc is proportional to the size of its angle. Parameters: a = angle of arc, r1 = radius 1, r2 = radius 2, fragArc = number of fragments in arc There is a more detailed explanation of all the parameters on the scad file itself.






