Toolhead E3D V6/BMG/DD/BLTouch for Ender3 Pro/V2 with BLV Linear Rail Mod

Toolhead E3D V6/BMG/DD/BLTouch for Ender3 Pro/V2 with BLV Linear Rail Mod


This is a variant of DD-SM mod by Mazvydas tweaked to suit the linear rail based X-carriage from Ben Levi's excellent Ender 3 Upgrade Mod ( * Carriage is designed to get full advantage of Ender 3's bed allowing up to 230x230 prints in X/Y with minimum loss in Z of only 15mm (235mm Z max). * Accommodation for BLTouch Z probe is provided (no inductive probe support at the moment). Probe offset is -44/0.7 * Extruder latch can be opened considerably further compared to DD-SM despite facing the gantry. With small modification on the BLV X-carriage, a full 90 degree swing is possible making servicing the extruder a breeze. * Hot-end cooling is tweaked to prevent leaking of hot-end cooling fan air down on the printed part reducing the chance of warping with some filaments. * Stock X-end-stop bracket is customized to allow 2mm further travel of the tool-head. X max with this setup is 262mm allowing for better reach of the bed probe/better mesh leveling. Be careful how you position your X axis linear rail as this is pretty much pushing its limits on both ends. I recommend adjusting the X linear rail to be 17.5mm from the left edge of the X gantry extrusion. * Hot-end is cooled by a 4010 (stock Ender3) fan instead of the 3010 E3D ships with, though cooling path of the 4010 fan is reduced somewhat in this setup, but appears to be still providing adequate cooling. * I have dropped support for attachments from the DD-SM design, but that can be easily restored by simply swapping the cover for the original from DD-SM. Same precautions as for DD-SM mod are valid here.



