Hydraulic Claw
Hello, up for grabs is laser engraved/3D printed hydraulic claw. Make sure you are using 1/8 inch thick material, either acrylic plastic our wood. It will NOT assemble correctly if you are using material that is thick or thinner than 1/8. You can 3D print the syringe mounts and claw gripper out of PLA; however, you can also 3D print the claw gripper out flexible TPU material as well. We make these in our class and students work in teams of four to lift up and move objects in a fun competition. Students also design the claw using Fusion 360 CAD software. A really fun team project that teaches students some basic hands-on skills while also learning about hydraulics and gears. For assembly instructions, and additional materials needed, please see the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsnZHStTL0o&ab_channel=JohnFuller