Tamiya MFC Interior Cover Arcos or Actros Tractor 1/14
If you are looking to use and interior with the MFC. This is a cover for your interior to be placed over the MFC-01 or MFC-03 to hide the wires. 1.25mm thick. You can use thin double sided tape to attach it. Two versions, if you have the cab titling rod support installed and without the rod. Without is wider. The MFC unit needs to be lowered by removing the spacers under the bracket. There is under dash trimming required to get the dash in so it clears the MFC. The lower dash can not be used. Your speaker needs to be mounted upside down in the roof and there is a file you can print for this. You may need to trim a bolt off the upper part of the transmission housing. You will need the drivers seat bracket to be modified and you can download that file from my page. I put an overlay picture so you can see about how it looks over the MFC.