Anycubic Mega X X-Axis Tensioner
##### Intro The motivation is simple - the printer does not have a separate X-axis tensioner. The design idea is simple and is based on the tensioners found in competitors. The proposed solution has two variants of the tensioner - for a flange bearing and a toothed pulley. ##### Assembly I ask you not to count it as an advertisement, but I used the following variations in my tests: [Mellow pulley](,scm-url:1007.34525.229159.0,pvid:b4fc5c73-2aab-4469-afe3-c500d41f512d,tpp_buckets:24525%230%23229159%2331_21387%230%23233228%230_4452%230%23226710%230_4452%233474%2315675%2391_4452%234862%2324463%23294_4452%233098%239599%23168_4452%235105%2323438%23259_4452%233564%2316062%23342&scenario=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&tpp_rcmd_bucket_id=229159&item_id=33023133633&sku_id=67293136240) [Fushi flange bearing F695RS](,165598,188872,194277,224411,224373,176818&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.34525.262174.0&scm_id=1007.34525.262174.0&scm-url=1007.34525.262174.0&pvid=636c5277-a4bd-4df7-906e-26216fedf0d9&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.34525.262174.0,pvid:636c5277-a4bd-4df7-906e-26216fedf0d9,tpp_buckets:24525%230%23262174%2347_21387%230%23233228%232_4452%230%23226710%230_4452%233474%2315675%23113_4452%234862%2324463%23418_4452%233098%239599%23842_4452%235105%2323438%23215_4452%233564%2316062%23863&scenario=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&tpp_rcmd_bucket_id=262174) Any version with the specified standard sizes will be suitable. It is important to **note that standard pulleys do not fit due to the high flange**. For assembly, you will need a screw m5x20 with a countersunk head and a bolt with a hexagonal head so m5x20. You will also need an m5 locknut and a washer for an m5 screw (you can do without it). After printing the parts, I advise you to additionally process all the holes, except for those that hold the pulley, with an M5 drill. I recommend doing this slowly as the parts that position the tensioner are fragile. The tensioning bolt must fit freely into the prepared holes. Install the tensioner to the base piece. After that, you need to insert the bolt into the corresponding hole in the tensioner. **It is very important that the tensioner parts are positioned as shown in the illustration. When installing the tensioner on the profile, the head of the screw holding the pulley must be oriented towards the plate holding the X axis, that is, towards the plate where the old tensioner was!** This is a very important point, because if you go wrong here, you will not be able to get the X-axis in place and you will have to rebuild everything. The base part of the tensioner is installed with little resistance in the profile. Next, you can install the pulley. I advise you to tighten the pulley as close to the profile as possible - remember that the tensioner travel is only 4-5 millimeters. 4-5 millimeters is more than enough to provide a very strong tension. In my experience, the tension is more or less normal, when the print head moves smoothly under its own weight along the profile, when the profile is set vertically, if the print head does not move at all, the belt is likely to be overtightened. ##### Conclusion I haven't noticed any problems for several months. I currently use flanged bearings as the bearings are of a higher quality (I thought) than Mellow pulleys. Alas, the solution does not allow using the tensioner without removing the x-axis, but for me this is not a very significant minus, since this is not a very frequent operation. ##### Afterword I also wanted to add a 9mm Y-axis tensioner to this solution. Alas, there is no normal belt yet, and it has not yet been possible to make a normal retainer for the belt, so I will most likely lay it out separately if everything works out.