Tavor TS12 recoil absorbing buttpad

Tavor TS12 recoil absorbing buttpad


A 3D printed buttpad for the Tavor TS12 semi-automatic shotgun. This slips over the native buttpad and requires not adjustments or replacements to the TS12. This should be printed in flexible filament with a 15% infill. There is a $75.00 version available online. If you download this design, and think it is better than anything you could purchase commercially, please feel free to toss me a tip of a third of what the commercially available version would run you. Or less. It's free. But we're all capitalists, right? Also, if you're a commie, please don't download my designs. Someday, we will be met on a field of battle. I would hate to be taken down with my own creations.



