Happy Autumn Blaze (combined model)

Happy Autumn Blaze (combined model)


I edited the original model with Blender to attach the tail to the body, so it is now one single print rather than two separate prints to connect with a wire. It connects both at the rump where it should and also at her right hind leg near the hock. **Make sure you turn on "remove all holes" or a similar setting in your slicer.** This was my first time using Blender so all I did was move the tail around a bit and make the models clip together, I did NOT fill the holes where the original model expects you to insert a wire to connect tail to body, so you MUST have your slicer remove all holes or the tail's connection at the rump will be severely compromised. This print required extensive and carefully controlled supports [as seen here](https://imgur.com/a/6HJatYt). Note that there is a small support blocker placed inside her mouth just behind her teeth so that the support tower will not generate deep into her mouth and raise up behind her teeth, which would be almost impossible to remove without damage to the teeth.






