Nes Cleaner Holder

Nes Cleaner Holder


Have a lot of cleaning supplies for classic consoles? Here's a holder for them! This has holders for: 1. DetoxIT (pin connector finishing) 2. Isopropyl Alcohol (cleaning anything and everything) 3. Brasso (really nasty connectors... use sparingly if ever!) 4. Toothbrush 5. NES cartridge (for cleaning & pin straightening) 6. Elmers White (for re-gluing labels) 7. 6 fine electronics screwdrivers 8. 4 Nintendo tri-tip screwdrivers (mostly portables) 9. 2 Nintendo / Sega security screwdrivers (mostly consoles and carts) 10. 1 basic phillips head screwdriver 11. 3 classic click erasers (cleaning cartridge pins) 12. 3 1-up card (cleaning cartridge pins) 13. 4 1-up card minis (cleaning cartridge pins, but smaller) That should let you disassemble pretty much all classic cartridges or systems, clean them to three levels of nasty, re-assemble them, and then glue any loose labels back on. Free to re-use or remix as you see fit, or your tools need. No supports needed for the print. 15 infill seems to work well, though you might be able to get away with less.







Video Games