Dish washing storage and tool (DM Soap Wand)
We used a plastic container for our dishwashing equipment consisting of a single sponge, soap brush, bottle brush, straw brush and a soap bottle. When my other half found and started using the DM soap wand, it replaced everything except the bottle brush. After a while, the wand was being left in the sink bottom, in a dirty dish, and began to smell. We were going through sponges and soap, so I started looking for a better storage solution. I could not find anything that would fit the small space or farm style stone sink. I found the parts I needed from multiple creatives and some ideas of my own to create exactly what I needed. The "Drain rack grid" and "Drain rack cups" are printed together by putting both in the slicer, aligning them, then print. There are multiple tools the DM soap wand, a standard soap wand, a peg for hanging a brush, and a holder for a sponge. The DM soap wand and holding peg have sizes short and tall to suit your needs. When printing the tool holders, print them on their back except for the sponge holder. Print the sponge holder standing. The print quality and time will be shorter. The "Drain_rack_base.stl" has the feet that are needed to settle my sink edge, the "Drain_rack_base_flat_bottom.stl" There is no need to glue anything, and depending on the accuracy of your printer, the tools slot directly to the Drain Rack Cup.