BIQU BX screen hinge for 50cm wide Enclosure

BIQU BX screen hinge for 50cm wide Enclosure


Hinge for the BIQU BX 7" screen to allow it to be rotated 90° clockwise and still allow the whole printer to fit in a standard 50x60x73cm enclosure. Remixed quickly back in April 2021 and has been printed in PETG and working since then no issues. Obviously needs a more efficient design. Instructions/guide: Other parts requried 1x M3x30mm for the hinge pin 6x M5x12mm 4x M5 nuts Screen cable should still reach, I moved the included bottom cable holder to the side of the 4040 extrusion with a t nut. HingeFrame2 is screwed into the existing right 2 holes in the Biqu BX extrusion where the screen is normally installed HingeScreen is screwed to the back of the exisiting 4 holes of the Biqu BX screen with the help of the M5 nuts. Then align the two hinges and screw in the long M3 screw to act as a hinge pin Print with flat side facing build plate, with supports touching build plate but could be done without if your printer is capable. HingeScreen part has two spots for M5 nuts to be placed in during print with a pause at z command.



