Wowstick Accessory Box

Wowstick Accessory Box


I want an accessory box for my wowstick 1f but I can not find a design matching my requirements so I created this one cutting and pasting some stuff from different designs. Main goal of this design is NOT using any hardware to build(except some glue). I print all items with 0.3 resolution except the screw. I suggest you to USE SUPPORTS and print the screw HORIZONTALLY(for extra toughness) with 0.2 resolution. After printing the screw you need to cut into desired size(I made it a little bit longer) and glue into place ONE SIDE OF THE HINGE so it can be turn inside when opening and closing the lid. Drawer is having kind of handle which also provide support to push down the items when the lid is closed. I am planing to put a little magnet to right side of the drawer for the screws which demounted from a device.The opening on the drawer allows you to use the stand. Please feel free to remix and improve it.






