Euthia box for Encounters cards

Euthia box for Encounters cards


I have printed Niels1449 card and gems/essences excellent box for Euthia Missing was a box for some of the other cards, which I have created and attached here. The box has no text as I found it not necessary. Pictured as well is Niels1449 box. The parts here are the ones on the right of the picture. This was printed with a 0.6 nozzle to save time, at 0.4 layer height. I used top and bottom layer at 0 to save material, with a 40% infill it is solid enough - could have used even less. Star design is nice but think I would have done with Gyroid better. Boxes don't look nice with no top layer at the top of the walls, so for that I put a height modifier where at the top there are 3 top layers, also enabled ironing for an nice finish at the top. The large box I added solid triangles at the corners for added rigidity given the rear wall would be all infill. I can share .3mf files for the project.






