MoM of all heroes Crystal Focus X (CFX) Chassis for use with Crystal Chamber

MoM of all heroes Crystal Focus X (CFX) Chassis for use with Crystal Chamber


Whilst awaiting my 7Chambers MoM of all Heroes Crystal Chamber I have been looking for a suitable chassis for the CFX board. Unable to find a dedicated chassis these are my attempts at remixing drizzt1234's Proffie chassis. I have remixed two CFX versions, one for 18650 wired batteries and one for 21700 wiired batteries. The limited room means the CFX must be oriented with memory card uppermost with the 21700 battery. PLEASE NOTE: I'm no 3D designer and neither have I built my electronics yet (still awaiting parts) however I have test fitted the CFX in place for both remixes and it appears to work, will update when I've finished my build I'll be attempting the 21700 and if it doesn't work I'll revert to the 18650 variant, but fingers crossed.






