Estes 1336 - Boeing ALCM AGM-86A

Estes 1336 - Boeing ALCM AGM-86A


This is a model of the Estes 1336 Boeing Cruise Missile. It has the launch lug, foldable wings but is not hollow and needs the nose cone to separate. I had one as a kid but that's been in a garbage pile for years and is no longer available. I created this for my desk and never to fly. However, by providing you the STEP and .f3d archive, you can make it fly. I just don't have the time to do that. I want this model to start a new life in the 21st Century. Having said that, I am providing all the files used along with the Illustrator AI files for decals. Download / Use of these files constitute acceptance of the below: 1- Any derivative must be made available for FREE to any subsequent user. So, if you mod it, you must make it available for all to share in the benefit. Basically GPL. 2 - MUST NOT BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR COMMERCIAL SALE IN ANY CAPACITY - You can't ever sell it nor any derivative work. There are watermarks in the model (not humanly visible and will not show up in a print). If you can abide by the above. Please take this model and make it fly again. So, I leave it to the fans here to really pick it up and take this to the next level.






