Damper Stand for Artillery Sidewinder X2 Nerf Balls
Hi! Here you will find the vibration-damping feet for your Artillery Sidewinder x2. (possibly also X1, I could not test it because I only own the X2) M5 screws/nuts are used to attach the feet. Additionally required material: -M5 screw (countersunk) with a length of 18 to 20mm -M5 mother -washer -Nerf balls (20-22mm) The holes for the original Sidewinder X2 feet are about 7mm, so I included a 5mm to 7mm adapter ring in the separate print file. However, this part is optional. German: Hallo! Hier findet ihr die vibrationsdämpfenden Standfüße für eueren Artillery Sidewinder x2. (eventuell auch X1, ich konnte es nicht testen da ich nur den X2 besitze) Zur Befestigung der Standfüße werden M5 Schrauben/Muttern verwendet. Zusätzlich benötigtes Matermial: -M5 Schraube (Senkkopf) in der Länge 18 bis 20mm -M5 Mutter -Unterlegscheibe -Nerf Bälle (20-22mm) Die Bohrungen für die originalen Standfüße von Sidewinder X2 sind ungefähr 7mm groß, deswegen habe ich einen 5mm auf 7mm-Adapterring in der separaten Druckdatei dazu gepackt. Dieses Teil ist jedoch optional. Print Settings Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X2 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0,2 - 0,3 Infill: 20% - 30% Filament brand: no matter Filament material: PLA or PETG or ABS Notes: Hi! Here you will find the vibration-damping feet for your Artillery Sidewinder x2. (possibly also X1, I could not test it because I only own the X2) M5 screws/nuts are used to attach the feet. Additionally required material: -M5 screw (countersunk) with a length of 18 to 20mm -M5 mother -washer -Nerf balls (20-22mm) The holes for the original Sidewinder X2 feet are about 7mm, so I included a 5mm to 7mm adapter ring in the separate print file. However, this part is optional. the feet