Anker Powercore essential 20000 VSLOT 40x40 aluminium extrusion batterypack case v slot mount
Powerbank Vslot 40x40 aluminium extrusion Mount for the Anker Powercore Essential 20,000 MAH battery bank. REMIX let me know which settings work best, my printer is pretty custom so my settings may not transfer to yours slice in cura, Use Tree supports as well as custom prizm supports set to "lines" placed under the vslot pegs this will remove very easily, sometimes tree suport reminance can be scraped off with a small flat bladed screwdriver. tree supports will leave bits under the vslot pegs so use prizm supports with a print patter of straight lines for a clean removal. I intend to use this for my portable control terminal which will be made from Aluminium extrusion. files for that will be uploaded when perfected. THE ANKER POWERCORE ESSENTIAL 20000 - CAN POWER THE RASPBERRY PI 4B (as long as you use a USB3 to type c cable, THE BLUE ONE)