VW Bay Bus - Center Speaker Bracket

VW Bay Bus - Center Speaker Bracket


This is a center speaker bracket for a VW Bay Window Bus. There are two metal tabs underneath, that were pointed at about 30 degrees in my bus (I assume this is how they came from the factory). So I modeled two slots (also at 30 degrees) and the bracket can be 'twisted' into place. All you need is an M5 nut and bolt on the other side to hold it in place. I also used M5 hardware to hold the speaker in place. As an aside, I purchased a dash speaker from Retro Manufacturing. This has dual inputs so I wired it to the both the front left and right channels of my radio - so I don't lose out on 'half' of the sound - very nice. (I have seen photos online that the 'official' center bracket had rubber bumpers and that the metal tabs needed to be bent to 90 degrees, but I didn't do that, I just stuck to the approx 30 degrees that my tabs are already at).






