Kiev-Mamiya Prism Mount Adapter

Kiev-Mamiya Prism Mount Adapter


Do you own a Kiev 6-series camera and a Mamiya C-series camera? Do you have a prism finder for the former but not the latter? Would you like to use a prism finder with your Mamiya? If the answer to these questions is "yes," then this design is for you! It's an adapter to enable the use of a Kiev 6-series prism finder on a Mamiya C-series body. Unfortunately, the design requires the use of lots of supports. A raft may also be necessary, since the contact points at the bottom of the print are rather modest. I recommend printing in PETG, ABS, or some other plastic that can handle relatively high temperatures, since camera gear can sometimes get hot, manufacturers' recommendations notwithstanding. Once you've printed the adapter and removed the support material, its use should be pretty obvious: Slot it into the Mamiya as if it were the finder hood, then attach the Kiev's finder atop the adapter. The adapter includes two studs similar to those atop a Kiev 6-series camera, to which the finder will lock. Be aware that this combination may not be as stable as a Mamiya PorroFinder, or as the Kiev finder is on a Kiev camera. I also can't offer a comparison of which one is better, since I don't own a PorroFinder. As my Kiev finder's meter is broken, I can't say if metering would be accurate. I recommend cross-checking with a known-good meter and adjusting appropriately, if necessary.






