The Bagel Buddy

The Bagel Buddy


-PleaseTipGently- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE NEW CRAZE! Of course you are! It's an escape from a global pandemic. The craze finding... not The Bagel Buddy. BUT- putting that existential/internal question aside, there are some pictures below of what The Bagel Buddy will look like on the standard 2.0 setting in Creality Cura Slicer 13. It should all take less than a day, but if you want a higher quality, it'll take more like 2 days. Remember to use those tree supports because they look cooler and your new Bagel Buddy needs to be taken care of. It's your buddy after all? Right? Good! If you have any questions or comments just contact me and I'd love to talk to you about it! P.S. I haven't printed this out yet because my printer is busy with my friends Graff workstation, which I also have as a file! (if you are feeling generous, please tip gently at







3D Printing