Curved Corner Marker / Round Edge marker (For Bullnose Wall Corners)

Curved Corner Marker / Round Edge marker (For Bullnose Wall Corners)


This was a tool I designed and used to perfectly mark the center of the bullnose corners in my home prior to masking/ painting. You can use this to paint a perfectly straight transition line on your walls between rooms that have rounded corners between the two. I couldn't find an .stl for one of these anywhere online, and It worked so well, I figured I'd share it here since it beats buying one online and putting your house painting project on hold waiting for it to come in. I used the skirt of the tool to drag it along the corner of the wall while inserting a sharpened pencil into the small port on the radius of the tool and marking my lines. I shared some pictures of how the marked lines turn out. I feel like this method of masking the center of the curved corner achieves a far superior look opposed to just masking the wall at the start of the radius. Thanks to this, I'll be able to mask with a perfectly straight and center reference line. Thanks for checking this out and I hope it helps others who are performing the same sort of interior painting project.






