Mech - Crest 5 AC Siege Tank
This is the Crest AC 5 Siege Tank, piloted by a Battle Commander. I've been wanting fun models to play Lancer with. I then set about building a model based on Crest. What would a Command pilot with more licenses be piloting for that Corp? This unit features a tread leg systems. They use caterpillar tracks to move and can mount overwhelming offensive and defensive strengths. Slow and heavy, but very well armored and can support massive loads. Tank ACs can fire any weapon even if moving or airborne. This unit is heavily armored and carrying heavy arms. Two bazookas are equipped on the arms. Shields are equipped on the shoulders, and long range radar and rockets are equipped on the back of this mech. The commander in this AC leading an assault can slowly engage with opponents on the battlefield knowing they are protected by heavy armor and threatening weapons. Though it's been remade countless times I suspect the model still isn't perfect, feel free to improve / fix.