Harry Potter CLUE Weapon Token Collection

Harry Potter CLUE Weapon Token Collection


Harry Potter CLUE 3D Printed Tokens We were playing the Harry Potter edition of CLUE and agreed that the cardboard pogs for the Weapons just aren't doing it for us. A proper CLUE game has cast metal pieces! So I decided to design some 3D printed plastic tokens as the next best thing. I expected to have to start from scratch, but I found a number of great source files to remix for this project, making it MUCH easier. Printed with Sunlu Silky Grey PLA+ for the metallic look of CLUE and Monopoly pieces. All tokens are about 35mm. Printed using rafts with a hot end at 210 degrees, glass bed at 68. Minor warpage of raft sometimes occurs but item is rarely affected. Source files for these items, mods, and notes: Vanishing Cabinet token is lifted entirely from "Harry Potter Vanishing Cabinet" by Scottfair. All I've done is strengthened the legs (per his suggestion), and made the floor narrower. Beautifully done, well-detailed, and looks screen accurate. Sadly, not all the details come out at this scale. Sleeping Draught token is "Potion Bottle for Board Game" by Alluvian. I liked the shape of this bottle. I merely added a label. Petrificus Totalus and Impedimenta are both spells, so I thought an open book would make good tokens for them, and embossed the incantations onto the following Thingiverse files: Petrificus Totalus token is Open-Book.stl from "Dungeon Props" by unclouded. These props are a great collection of items. Seems like the text needs a little tweaking to improve the quality. Decrease layer height? Impedimenta token is "Open Book" by MattituckLibrary_Youth. I didn't want the two spellbooks to be identical. Seems like the text needs a little tweaking to improve the quality. Decrease layer height? Portkey token is from "Makies Cowboy Boots" by Makies. Makies has the best shoes on Thingiverse! I took the left cowboy boot, stretched the upper, and filled the hole. It's not exactly like Arthur Weasley's old boot in the movie, but good enough for a game version. Potted Mandrake token is a combination of "Mandrake Seedling- Low Poly" by Zeiram and "Customizable Flower Pot - classic style" by robertwallace. I don't know how Zeiram got such a detailed and accurate mandrake! I pruned the mandrake for easier printing, and planted him in one of robertwallcace's delightful pots. Professor Sprout said it looked great! THANKS TO ALL THE MAKERS WHO INADVERTENTLY CONTRIBUTED TO THIS COLLECTION!



