Ham radio HT wall hanger (single and triple configuration)
This is my UV-5R (style) radio wall hanger. It comes in one form made for 3 radios (because I have one BF-F8HP and 2 UV-5X radios), and one configuration for a single radio. Print as many or as few as you want! Or if you only have one radio, print the triple, and use that as an excuse to get more! The space between radios allows for other HTs to be used as well, such as the Anytone 878 (fits right in the middle no problem), but you could pop anything in there provided the HT isn't wider than about 65 or 70mm wide. The slots for the belt clip to go in are slightly oversize to accommodate the soft velcro I put on the back of my radio's belt clips. The spacing for the radios was to give about 23mm on the left and right of the center radio. Enjoy, and feel free to remix!