Ender 3v2 Fan Shroud

Ender 3v2 Fan Shroud


As those of us with Ender 3v2 machines will find out, the stock cooling duct will slowly deform and melt causing us to replace it. Many of us have looked for replacements, upgrades and anything else useful to fix this. I have ran other common hot end covers you find out there, but often, these are just big and bulky. I wanted to not have something in the way of a CL touch using the CL touch bracket, and I wanted the cover to be magnetically held on so I can easily access the hot end. This cover and shroud design features (2) 3010 blowers, available on Amazon or many other retailers, (1) 3010 Front Cooling fan(In my case RGB). The great thing with this design is the removable and replaceable cooling ducts. You can print and keep a couple in the drawer so if one starts to deform or melt, you simple pull out one screw and replace. This also means you can print this in two tone, or multiple colors/pieces. I will be honest and say you will source a hand full of parts, mostly screws, magnets, thread inserts, but once done, it looks rather cool, and works at least as good as stock if not better. By the way, as many of you designers know, this take a good amount of time, effort and prototyping to come up with these plans. I am offering all STL's for free, you may do as you wish with them following license type. If you find them as useful as I have, consider tipping, and not just for me, but any other artist, designer, maker that provides you free content.



