Xbox Series X Heat Deflector Scoop for Horizontal Installation

Xbox Series X Heat Deflector Scoop for Horizontal Installation


tl;dr: This is a scoop to direct the hot air out and away from your cabinet when you have your Xbox Series X in the horizontal orientation. When you install any piece of electronic equipment into a cabinet the heat tends to build up inside the shelf. The older Xbox One X was particularly terrible with its rear exhaust and very hot running. The Series X works very well when standing upright, but when laying on its side it blow heat directly into the side of your cabinet, much of which is sucked into the rear and recirculated causing additional heat load. While I don't have any scientific measurements, putting my hand down the left side of the running console felt quite warm... so I thought to myself, if only there was a way to direct all the heat out and away in order to stop that heat recycling action. Yes, you could turn your Xbox as 45 degrees to blow "out", but that's not practical. I originally designed this to sort of clip to the side of the Xbox, but I couldn't get my dimensions to reliably print spot on (probably more of a local calibration issue) and ended up with the version you see here which requires a little double sided tape to secure it to the console. The result is that you can feel the heat in front of the console now and putting my hand down the left side is now cool. I call that a win. With many hours of use it's always quiet and always cool down the left side. If you want to improve, here is my tinkercad link which also shows the original design:






