Ender 3 v2 Android Timelapse Mod

Ender 3 v2 Android Timelapse Mod


The plastic bracket on my Ender 3 v2 that tensions the belt cracked, so I saw a mod for android time-lapse mod for the ender 3 pro and then search for the ender 3 v2 and could not find anything. So I reengineered the standard plastic bracket from creality and add a thing to it to put your earphones in it so with a custom search and replace function in cura, I added a custom gcode so after each layer it moves to the spot and uses the print head to take snapshot on your android phone and at the end of the print you put it in a movie editing software and create yourself a time-lapse video. You may remix or change how you want, I just made it for myself as its a simple mode and works perfect for me. For camera app on your android phone, I simple use Hedgecam 2 in play store as it has the keep camera on function. I have been researching a lot and I am not great with electronics and some YouTube Videos I seen on the android time-lapse videos of how to, is simply to much for me so this is a simple way of doing it and comes perfect out. Check the link below of how it works for me.



