Ender 5 Plus Moving Fliament and Cable Manager
Right up front, I apologize - THIS IS A REMIX. Since Thingiverse REMOVED the ability to download all files that included identifying data on the thing you were downloading I could'nt find the original Thing number. That being said - if you designed one of these pieces - Sing out and I'll gladly cite and reference your work! I found a moving filament manager on here that I though was pretty slick, but with the orientation it LOOKED like it was wanting, I couldn't see how it would traverse the width of the printer, so I imported it into Fusion 360, converted it's mesh, then sliced off the portion that holds the ball and rotated it 180 degrees and remounted it at a 90 degree angle. I then put a couple of triangle braces in to reinforce it. I also added a filament sensor mount I found on here and added it as well. After the print I cut off the on guide that is in the carriage. I added another triangle between those two to strengthen their joint, that's what you'll find all together in the factory file - DO NOT recenter it, print it as dropped or everything will be broken apart. It prints out as one unit. I also added a cable manager I found on here. I printed two copies of it, one mirrored (Simplify 3D brings it in HUGE - scale it to 10%). The mirrored copy I mounted on the filament carrier, the other on the back side of the frame. Printing it all now, will post a pic of it all together once done.