Dungeon Tile Grid Foam Cutting Jig
Guide for cutting a 3in x 3in grid in .5in thick xps styrofoam dungeon tiles than can lock together with magnets. I printed these with .2mm layer height and 15%-30% infill. Using a brim for bed adhesion helps prevent warping. To use the floor tile jig, place a 3x3 piece of foam in the jig and cut in the slots with an exacto blade. Remove the foam and rotate 90 degrees then repeat. Expand the cut lines with a ballpoint pen and texture with a balled up piece of tin foil. For the wall cutting jig, place the jig on top of a 2in x 3in piece of foam and press down firmly. Then go over the resulting pattern with an exacto blade. Then expand the cut lines and texture as you would a 3x3 floor tile (mentioned above). Inspired by RP Archive on Youtube: https://youtu.be/iwT5fy3nBPQ RP Archive also provides a fantastic painting tutorial: https://youtu.be/MFwY2RWnlKU Jigs for placing holes for magnets can be found here, also courtesy of RP Archive (surprise!): https://www.patreon.com/posts/55052709