Lipo charger button repair without soldering
I need to remove the pcb from the case but its impossible to do without removing the original buttons, the original buttons are tight fit to the switches, when you try to pull you break the switches :(, mines are impossible to remove, tried with heat and other tricks and nothing works. I know that this charger is the typical chinese copy that has a lot of versions with different case but same pcb, I put two versions of the buttons that you can select the one that fits with your charguer. Mine uses two piece version. if you have a switch with partial dmg you need to remove debris from the switch, if not the switch works glitchy… I recomend to upgrade your damage from light to full damage, clean the switch and use the bigger buttons. You can see that the screw can fit below the case, this is important. Recomend to print this in ASA or ABS due high temperatures that charger reaches, the top buttons of 2 piece version you can print in TPU.