MSFS2020 Twin Otter Throttle Levers for Honeycomb Bravo

MSFS2020 Twin Otter Throttle Levers for Honeycomb Bravo


RC Tommy presents the Honeycomb Bravo compatible upside-down (roof mounted) Twin Otter throttle levers! With the newly released Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 I truly felt the need for upside-down throttle levers for my Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant. In the lack of a good third party product, I decided to make these levers myself. After a while I thought to myself: Why not share them with the community? Surely I can't be the only one flying the Twin Otter right now? Well, here you go - free of charge! Please note that I have not made the prop- or condition levers yet, so in order to fit the throttle levers while the Honeycomb Throttle module is mounted upside down (roof mounted), I had to reverse the order of the levers (meaning throttle to the right, props in the middle and condition levers on the left side). This will be solved once I get around to make the rest of the levers for the Twin Otter in the future.







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