Plumes for 28mm 1809 Russian Grenadiers

Plumes for 28mm 1809 Russian Grenadiers


I wanted to paint up a box of Perry Miniatures' plastic Napoleonic Russian infantry as a grenadier batallion in 1809 kiwer (shakoes) for my 1812 army, but there weren't enough of the correct heads. So I decided to design and print plumes to glue on top of musketeer shakoes as a simple conversion, adding the proper cartridge pouch badges with paint. The file will make one plume, designed from measurements of those in the Perry box. They should scale pretty well with Warlord, Old Glory, and Front Rank as well; you might want to scale down a bit if you're converting Foundry miniatures. The plume should be glued with CA superglue just over the hat badge, slightly overhanging the front of the shako's top at centre front. You can drill and pin them if you find you need it. I'd imagine these will work on an FDM printer, but I'm planning to do them in resin. If you do them in FDM and need to pin them you'll want quite a high infill. My printers are both busy at the moment, but I'll add photos when I've printed a few.



